Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Even when it's expected, it's still hard.  My grandmother went to be with Jesus on July 5, 2014.  Oh how I miss her.  Granted, her health had been declining for quite awhile and I wasn't visiting nearly as much as I would have liked.  I still miss her.  While still here on earth, it feels so final now that she is gone.  I'm thankful to know that I will see her again when the Lord decides to take me home too.

There are so many wonderful memories stored in my mind and old ones keep popping up.  I've had a great time remembering our special times together and I want to try and capture some of those in this blog post.

--The greatest thing I will take away from my time with my grandmother was her love for Jesus.  She shared it so openly and freely.  I hope I can be more like her so that I can share the Lord with others.

--I loved breakfast with Grammy and Grampy.  Grammy would make scrambled eggs and sprinkle them with paprika.  Although she mainly did it for color (she loved adding color to her food) it gave them such a wonderful flavor.  Then add the buttered toast.  Yum.  Breakfast was memorable.

--Grammy loved to tell stories.  She had such an incredible memory.  She and I are not alike when it comes to that.  I fail to remember details and she was so full of them.  I can still hear her sharing the story of Brett when he was a kid asking, "Do you like mustard, Grammy?"  But the way she said it was so much better than me just writing it down.

--She was a lover of Shanghai.  We would always play cards after dinner.  I remember doing so poorly that I decided I would just try for the high score rather than win.  Grammy was a serious player and no one really wanted to sit by her because she would always buy the card right out from underneath our noses.  I always wanted her to give me a little slack...but that wouldn't have been teaching me anything.  She was an honest player and usually won because of it.  Over the years, she started to lose track of her buys in the game and ended up with a few cards too many.  The other players would generally give each other questioning looks and just smile.  Man do I miss her.

--I think it may have been the Christmas of 2007, the year that Grampy passed away, when we had Grammy over to my parents' and we actually had her playing Wii bowling with us.  I can still remember her laugh.  It was just about the cutest thing ever.  She never really quite got the hang of it but what a memory it is.

--I think my lack of willingness to kill animals (bugs,etc.) stems from fishing trips with Grammy and Grampy.  Oh how they loved to fish.  They knew God provided these fish for them but I saw the fish as helpless.  It was hard for me to process as a kid.  I may or may not be scarred for life.  ;)  I can still remember their table in the basement where they would take the fish.  I don't know if anyone could scale a fish quite like Grammy.  Then she would pass it along to Grampy where he'd finish it off.  I can still see heads and insides plopping into the bucket.  It was gross for me but it was something they loved and they did it together.

--Mom, Grammy, and I used to take day trips shopping together.  We would head to Sturgis most often just to see what we could see.

--Grammy loved antiques.  Her house is just about one big antique store.  What a task to keep the kids away from all the trinkets but it was something she loved.

--She was so creative.  She could sew, crochet, make something from just about anything.  We all have music boxes that she crafted for us over the years.  I just realized one of the bird cages in her house has a music box that she added.  I don't think I knew that before.  A few years back she even told me that we should open a craft store together.  I wish that could have happened.  It would have been something special.

--She was so loving and kind.  Jeremy and I were privileged to live next to her and Grampy for a few years.  When I was sick she would bring me hot tea, when she had leftovers she'd share them with us, when she got her mail she would bring me ours.  She was so good at giving herself and made it look so easy.

I'll add things as they come back to me.  Until I make it home...I'll treasure those moments we had on this earth and look forward to seeing her and Grampy again in heaven.

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